Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What is periodontal disease?

“You don’t have to brush all your teeth; just the ones you want to keep”
Three Out Of Four People Have Warning Signs of Periodontal Diseaseü Gums that bleed when you brushü Gums are red, swollen or tenderü Gums have pulled away (receded) from teethü Pus between teeth & gums when gums are pressedü Permanent teeth are loose or separatingü Change in the way your teeth fit when bitingü Any changes in fit of partial denturesü Persistent bad breath & bad taste
50 people out of 100 have moderate to severe gum disease, 40 out of the 50 don’t know it, and only 3 people out of 100 will ever get treated before it’s too late. Gum disease occurs when bacteria attack the supporting soft tissues and bone around your teeth. These bacteria cause a body reaction. This reaction is responsible for the breakdown of the fibers that connect the tooth to the bone. This creates a space that dentists and hygienists call ‘a periodontal pocket’. Plaque and tarter accumulate at the base of the teeth. Inflammation causes a pocket to develop between the gums and teeth, which fills with plaque and tarter. Soft tissue swelling traps the plaque in the pocket. Continued inflammation eventually causes destruction of the tissues and bone surrounding the tooth. These pockets are difficult to keep clean and the result is infection leading to the loss of bone. The main cause of gum disease is poor oral hygiene, not brushing and flossing on a regular basis, and not seeing your dentist for preventive care. If left untreated, the supporting bone is destroyed and the teeth may eventually become loose and painful.
How are Lasers used to treat gum disease? Will it hurt?
A laser is an instrument that produces a very narrow, intense beam of light energy. When laser light comes in contact with soft tissue it causes a reaction. The beam of light produced by the laser has the ability to remove, vaporize or shape soft tissues such as the gums, cheeks and tongue. There are a variety of lasers that can be used to treat periodontal disease. Lasers can be used to remove inflamed tissues within a periodontal pocket while also sterilizing the pocket. Lasers can be used to trim away diseased gum tissue, increase the length of a tooth above the gum life so that crowns can be properly placed and can even remove muscle pulls and benign tumors. Laser treatment may be more comfortable than treatment with conventional instruments. The gum tissue may be removed without bleeding and swelling because the powerful light beam seals blood vessels and nerve endings. The aspect of laser surgery that most people appreciate is its comfort. While no treatment is always painless, the laser may reduce the need for postoperative pain medication and my reduce swelling and bleeding. The benefits of periodontal laser treatment include a faster healing time, a reduced risk of infection, less time in a dental chair, and less post-procedure pain.
Factors that Contribute to Periodontal Disease & Tooth Lossq Smokingq Stress/Tensionq Diet/Poor Nutritionq Pregnancyq Diabetes/Systemic Diseasesq Some Prescription Medications

Monday, August 8, 2011

Party with a BriteSmile®

       One of the first things you notice when looking at another person is their smile.  When you meet someone with a bright, natural smile, it inevitably catches your attention.  The goal of the BriteSmile® Tooth Whitening System is to give you a brighter more natural smile that can be attention getting.  Maybe you have a special event coming up in your life and you’d like to make a stand out impression; BriteSmile® is the way to go. 
Over the course of time, the natural aging process and your lifestyle can stain your teeth.  Lifestyle stains include years of smoking or drinking dark liquids such as coffee, tea, or wine.  Years of food dyes and color preservatives in foods and beverages also contribute significantly to tooth discoloration.  The BriteSmile® Tooth Whitening System is able to remove such lifestyle stains and also aids in killing harmful bacteria found in gingivitis and periodontal disease.
The BriteSmile® system will not cause softening of enamel and composite materials like some other whitening methods will do.  Other methods like the whitening trays use an older technology and are messy and uncomfortable.  Whitening strips are another method that offer no immediate results and can cause your teeth to become more sensitive by stripping their enamel.  The BriteSmile® system is done in the dentist office by a trained professional and takes about one hour.  Trays and strips are done in the home and require more than one application.  Whitening toothpastes are also misleading; if you stop using the toothpaste, you can lose the results you’ve achieved. 
BriteSmile® offers a safe and comfortable tooth whitening system that is guaranteed to whiten your teeth in one office visit.  The results are consistent and can last for years.  When comparing the BriteSmile® Tooth Whitening System with other tooth whitening methods it’s clear BriteSmile® is the more effective choice.
            The BriteSmile® Tooth Whitening System is a gentle procedure.  It has been shown in studies, to be safe for tooth enamel as well as skin, gums, and other soft tissues.  The BriteSmile® procedure does not use lasers, heat, or scraping in its method.  The whitening procedure is simple.  First, barriers such as gauze and protective gels, are placed in your mouth to ensure only the teeth will be exposed.  Second, the gel is applied.  While you sit and relax, listening to music, the gel is being activated by BriteSmile’s® blue light.  The BriteSmile® Tooth Whitening System uses a low concentration of the active ingredient and is clinically proven to be safe and effective.  Finally, the teeth are brushed and the patient walks away with naturally white and healthy teeth.  This method achieves long-lasting results and a guarantee to whiten with a naturally brilliant and uniform look.  In some cases, patients can whiten 14 shades. BriteSmile® is completely safe for ages 14 and older.
            The BriteSmile® Tooth Whitening System is a great gift for anyone at all ages.  The fresh, new look will boost your confidence and give you a radiant smile sure to make anyone jealous.  Get your BriteSmile® done at 1321 44th Ave N, Myrtle Beach, SC 29477. Give us a call to schedule your free consultation (843) 916-0990. We look forward to hearing from you.